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Investment style

At Metrics Fund, we carefully select our investments.

We aim to generate alpha by leveraging off the different skillsets present within Metrics Fund. New members can expect a steep learning curve that is second to none within B&R Beurs but will also have the opportunity to immediately contribute towards investment decisions. Prior knowledge is not necessary at all but a willingness to learn and a sincere interest in investing are.

Past investments ranged from value investing driven stock picking, macro-economic related plays and more complex derivative structured investments. Moreover, we took a look at some special situations like SPAC's, IPO’s and spin-offs.

analysis of pfizer by metrics fund

Our investments cover a broad range of industries and product groups. Every two weeks we meet for an investment meeting on campus. Members can pitch new investments, we review our current portfolio investments, and we occasionally hold “Metrics Academy”-sessions.


You can read more about our investment style on our blog.