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Metrics Fund trips

London trip

To maintain our close knit relationship with our Alumni as well as explore Europe's financial centre we organise an annual London Trip. You can expect the day-time to be filled with visits to various interesting financial institutions and a London alumni meeting. In the night-time we go out and explore the nightlife of the British capital. Work hard, play hard is the formula.

metrics fund on a rooftop at the annual London trip

Introduction weekend

Next to our annual London trip we organise multiple other outings. We kick-off the year with an introduction weekend where new and old members can get acquianted in a relaxed setting. Past destinations have included Antwerp and the Dutch coast. In past winters we have also organized multiple ski trips to, for instance, Val Thorens (certainly something to be continued). Finally, there have been some more adhoc trips, often in the summertime.

metrics fund on a ski piste

Other trips

You can read more about previous trips we have done on our blog.