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Favourite finance books of MF members: past and present

By Miki Nieczyporowski

14 August 2021


We have asked some of our alumni to share their favourite finance-related books. This time: Iwan Rikken.

Margin of Safety – Value investing bible

A Random Walk Down Wall Street – A random introduction to financial markets

The Most Important Thing – Investing through economic cycles from esteemed high yield investor Howard Marks

Fooling Some of the People All of the Time: A Long Short story – A deep dive into short selling, a financial thriller (includes forensic accounting)

Narrative and numbers – Textbook teaching numbers people to tell stories and storytellers to use numbers

One Up on Wall Street – Practical lowkey introduction to value/growth investing by Fidelity legend Peter Lynch

You Can Be a Stock Market Genius – The best investing book with the worst title, about special situations investing

The Intelligent Investor – Classic about value investing, this is an old book (not for everyone!)

The little book that still beats the market – Very accessible and easy introduction to value investing

Investment Banking – Filled with investment banking valuation techniques

Why stocks go up and down – Accounting/finance 101 for investing in stocks

The Greatest Trade Ever – Detailing the short sell of Paulson in the financial crisis

More Money than God – Historical and in-depth overview of the hedge fund industry

Hedge Fund Market Wizards – Classic in-depth case studies of famous hedge fund managers across several strategies

Guide to Leveraged Finance A Pragmatist's: Credit Analysis for Bonds and Bank Debt – Sell-side analyst perspective on high yield credit

Flash Boys – High-frequency trading

The Big Short – Book is better than the movie… yeah we are fun at parties

Liar’s Poker – The life of a junior at Salomon Brothers, “The game has some of the feel of trading, just as jousting has some of the feel of war.”

King Icahn – Activist investor Carl Icahn

Barbarians at the Gate – Inside the first large-cap Private Equity deal

Common Stocks and uncommon profits – A book about growth investing, quite an old book

Competition Demystified – Good book about competitive strategy

Incerto – Serie of essays by trading, mathematics and statistics genius Nassim Taleb

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