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The most ambitious investment group B&R Beurs has to offer

Metrics Fund was founded as a breeding ground for high-finance talent.

The fund aims to bring together the very best B&R Beurs has to offer in terms of investing and social events. Our members can most easily be described as easy-going and highly ambitious about finance. We are best known for our serious uncomprising attitude towards investing.

We come together on a weekly basis by having alternating weekly dinners and ‘investment meetings’. Experience has it that discussing investments over dinner is unsuccessful and leads to either a lack of social interaction or a lack of proper investing. By disentangling the social and serious elements of our investment group we optimize both. Our investment meetings are usually spent at university in a meeting room, where we discuss the markets, our portfolio and potential investments. Pitches are performed on the spot, discussed and acted upon on the same night.

metrics fund in front of a fountain at the annual London trip

Metrics Fund alumni


We are proud of our alumni network, which is one of the most exstensive within B&R Beurs. Alumni have gone on to work at leading financial insititutions (i.e. top investment banks, hedge funds and leading investment firms). Others have pursued careers in consultancy, tech and in the start-up world. Our alumni network is highly valued and we ensure to keep in touch, for instance through our yearly London trip. The people you meet and the connections you make at Metrics will stay with you for the rest of your life!


Apart from our regular activities, we also organize annual trips, such as our introduction weekend, ski trip, London trip, and many more.

Learn more →
metrics fund at our annual ski trip
metrics fund at a private equity firm at our annual London trip


You can find us at various B&R events, including the drinks. Before the drinks at Apartt we like to meet up to have dinner and a beer. The evening regularly finishes at the Vrienden Van.

metrics fund at a B&R beurs drink

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most common questions about our B&R Beurs dispute.

How much do you need to know about investing/finance to join Metrics Fund?Knowledge about investing is not required, curiosity is!
How often does Metrics Fund meet?We meet once a week on Thursdays. We alternate between dinners and investment meetings. The past has proven this to be more effective and fun! We also host other activities from time to time.
What do you do during investment meetings?We often meet at the Erasmus University. We talk about the latest developments within the financial markets, the impact on our portfolio and potential investments! You can read more about our investment style here.
Do you accept international students?We currently only accept Dutch-speaking students 🇳🇱 .
Is Metrics Fund active within B&R Beurs?Absolutely! Many of our members are active within B&R Beurs, either as a member of the board or within a committee. You can also often find us at drinks and events organized by B&R Beurs.
What kind of trips do you organize?Every year we organize an introduction weekend, a ski trip, a London trip, and we often also organize a trip during summer recess! You can read more about the trips we organize here.
Is it possible to get to know Metrics Fund during dinner or with a drink?Absolutely! We host a dinner every week during the B&R Beurs introductory period. Send us a DM via Instagram for more information! (@metricsfund.bnr)
Are you a male-only investment group?We are currently a male-only investment group. We are investigating the possibilities and opportunities of having a sister dispute, so stay tuned!